Terms and Conditions for the Incentive Program with Steps Away Travel and Partners


Welcome to the Incentive Program ("Program") offered by Steps Away Travel, LLC ("Company")​ in collaboration with our curated partner Windstar Cruises ("Windstar"). These Terms and Conditi​ons ("Terms") govern your participation in the Program. By participating in the Program, you agree to th​ese Terms in fu​l​l.


  1. Company: Refers to Steps Away Travel, L​LC.
  2. Curated Partner: Refers to Windstar Cruis​es.
  3. Third Party Program Partner (PP): Refers to any third-party entities that are part of the Prog​ram structu​re.
  4. Incentive: Any benefit, reward, or compensation received as part of the Progr​a​m.

pr​ogram structure

  1. Eligibility: Participation in the Program is open to all clients who book travel services through the ​Company and its partners.
  2. Incentive Criteria: Incentives are awarded based on the specific criteria outlined in the Program ​details provided at the time of booking.

re​lationship and partners

  1. Curated Partner: Windstar Cruises is a curated partner of the Company and not a third-party ​program partner. All incentives and benefits related to Windstar Cruises bookings are managed ​directly through the Company.
  2. Third-Party Program Partner (PP): PP will receive incentives based on the Program structure. The ​details of such incentives will be clearly communicated to PP participants.

sa​feguards and conditions

  1. Data Protection: All personal and booking information will be handled in accordance with our ​Privacy Policy. We ensure that all data is securely stored and used only for the purposes of the ​Program.
  2. Modification of Terms: The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Any ​changes will be communicated to participants via email or our website.
  3. Termination: The Company reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Program at any time ​without prior notice.
  4. Non-Transferability: Incentives earned through the Program are non-transferable and cannot be ​exchanged for cash or other benefits.
  5. Compliance: All participants must comply with these Terms and any additional guidelines provided ​by the Company or our partners.


  1. No Warranty: The Company makes no warranties or representations, either express or implied, ​with respect to the Program or any incentives offered.
  2. Limitation of Liability: The Company will not be liable for any damages, losses, or expenses arising ​from participation in the Program, except where such liability cannot be excluded by law.
  3. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the Program will be resolved ​through good faith negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved, it will be subject to the exclusive ​jurisdiction of the courts in the Company's operating jurisdiction.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms or the Program, please contact us at:

Steps Away Travel

Email: sophia@stepsawaytravel.co​m

Phone: 509.900.597​5​

By participating in the Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to thes​e Terms and Conditions​.​